Who stands behind Grow More?

We are a group of plant scientists, committed to providing education, awareness, and equitable access to agricultural technology




Our Values

We believe in inclusivity and innovation, and incorporate these values into the science we do.


We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit NGO and work internationally with collaborators at universities and institutes.

We believe everyone should have access to food and research and development in agriculture.

We aspire to apply scientific discovery to agriculture and encourage a transparent dialogue.

Independence & Integrity




Here’s who represents, embodies, and drives our mission forward

Our Mission



Bridging the gap

Enabling all

We aim to develop and provide scientific resources to equip those in developing countries with the latest tools for crop development.

We believe connecting scientists with equitable resources will enable them to sustainably provide for themselves and others.

We seek to unite scientists, farmers, agronomists, students, volunteers and anyone who is willing to support our mission and build a strong community, equipped to face today’s challenges together.



Where are we located?

Grow More is currently based in the United Kingdom and the United States and we work with plant scientists worldwide.

Meet our Scientific Advisory Board