Join us and become part of our team!
We are grateful to have scientific experts in all aspects of plant science, including crop development, plant breeding, agronomy, genomics and gene editing.
We are always interested in hearing from people who are passionate about applying plant science to solve agricultural problems and contribute to food security. Therefore we welcome any person interested in plant science, including academic and industry scientists at all career stages, to join our mission at Grow More.
Reach out if you would like to get involved as a:
Advisor & Business Consultant
Scientific Advisory Board Member
Student or Postdoc
Industry Supporter
Global food security is our goal and we believe everyone can help
Becoming a Grow More Collaborator
Do you have a background or interest in plant science and are willing to contribute time or space to support our mission of ensuring equitable access to science?
We know that science and technology are applied to crops at a faster rate in the developed world compared to developing countries. We want to change that.
We are looking for individuals who want to contribute by hosting a Grow More Fellow or sharing ideas on trait development. Your expertise can assist plant scientists in developing countries to achieve their research goals. We are also keen on connecting with indiviuals who can contribute to our mission in other ways, such as providing their network, doing outreach on social media, design and illustrations, and beyond. As you choose how you would like to be involved, Grow More will provide you with the appropriate guidance and support.
Every step you take, no matter the size, can bring us closer to equitable science and food security! Get in touch with us here!
Provide equitable access to agricultural technology through collaboration
How can I be involved?
As a Grow More Collaborator, there are several ways you can choose to contribute. They can include:
Providing scientific expertise on challenges plant scientists may face
Give insights on specific genes or crops in your area of expertise
Share teaching materials or knowledge that may help scientists in their research
Host a Grow More Fellow in your laboratory
Share advice on research concepts or ideas in your area of expertise
What are your commitments?
There is no standard time commitment to be a Grow More Collaborator. We understand that every person’s availability is different and appreciate any support you have to offer.
Your time and efforts are highly valued, no matter how big or small.
What do you need?
All you need is an interest in helping other plant scientists from around the world.
Your involvement is entirely up to you. Depending on how you decide to be involved, there may be additional needs that Grow More can help support.
Becoming a Grow More Fellow
Are looking forward to changing the course of science and agriculture in your community or country?
We believe in enabling the next generation of plant scientists to make an impact on agricultural advancements. Grow More Fellows are early to mid-career plant scientists based in developing countries and looking for research experience.
Through Grow More, Fellows will be connected to a lab based on their research goals, where they will be able to collaborate with scientists abroad.
As a Grow More Fellow, you will also:
Become further connected in the scientific community
Gain access to lab resources to complete your research
Receive financial support to cover necessary expenses
Your eligibility requirements:
Matriculated student at a University
If you are an established researcher or professor, see Grow More Partner
Located in a developing country
If you are interested, send us a message here!
It’s time for you, the next generation of plant scientists, to make an impact in the world!
How long is the fellowship?
The fellowship is expected to last three to six months.
Is there an age requirement?
Grow More Fellows are expected to be in their early to mid-career, which equates to 18 to 40 years old.
Can we sponsor your international VISA?
No, at this time we can not sponsor Grow More Fellows’ VISAs.
Becoming a Grow More Partner
We want to partner with you!
We aim to make strategic efforts to enable you who is a plant scientist, professor, or breeder in a developing country to advance your research efforts. We currently work with several countries in Africa and are excited to expand our outreach with you.
We have a unique opportunity to partner with developing countries by providing support through scientific expertise, funding support, and technology. We seek to fill the gap in resources and connect scientists with the tools they need to succeed.
If you’re interested in becoming a Grow More Partner, view the eligibility criteria below and submit your application online.
Your eligibility requirements:
Established researcher and/or professor
If you are an early-career scientist, see Grow More Fellows
Located in a developing country
Preferred criteria:
A background in plant breeding or agronomy and experience working with orphan staple crops
A desire to teach and train the next generation of plant scientists at a University
Involvement in societal conversations ie. consulting policy makers, discussing with small farmers or the general public
If you are interested, send us a message here!
Advancing your research by applying accessible agricultural technology
What is needed in the application?
Your application should include written materials and documentation that share why you are interested in being a Grow More Partner and how you fit the eligibility criteria.
This includes:
a 500-word summary of your current research or proposal
your current and expected financial budget
documentation showing any affiliations you may have such as universities, policymakers, or farmers
What qualifies as experience?
Experience may be considered based on the following:
Number of years of teaching, 1 - 2 preferred
Your level of crop or scientific expertise
Duration of time running a research program
How many people you manage in your laboratory
Relevant publications
Your CV
What is considered an orphan staple crop?
An orphan staple crop supports the dietary needs of those in developing countries. These crops are not commercially grown and are essential to developing countries’ food security.
How long does the process take?
There is no set amount of time it takes to become a Grow More Partner. The process is subject to change as each prospective applicant and the challenges faced by the community are assessed individually.
In order to streamline the process, it is essential that applicants are upfront and transparent about where they are now and what their needs are.
How much financial support do you give?
The amount of financial support given is based on individual needs.
Financial support is for plant scientists to become independent in their research.
You teach, but don’t do research: How can you include this in your teaching?
At this time we can’t support non-research based projects.
However, if you intend on starting a research project in the future, feel free to submit your application in advance. Make sure to include what you expected or proposed research is and when you plan to start.
You do research but don’t teach. Can you still apply?
Yes, given that you give back to the next generation of scientists through workshops or lectures at a University.
Donate to support our mission
Many people ask what they can do to expedite our research or improve food security in developing countries. One step you can take is to make a gift to Grow More to support our Mission. Every gift, no matter the size, can bring us closer to creating equitable access to technology and food. Your gift is tax deductible and we appreciate any assistance you can provide, monetary or otherwise.
Grow More Foundation is a 501(c)(3) NGO non-profit founded and comprised of plant scientists working to increase access to the latest scientific tools for researchers in lower income developing nations. Since 2016, we have grown to include 21 representatives from eight different countries. We all share a single aim: to ensure that everyone has access to safe and nutritious food. Grow More is powered by pro bono support. We have legal, business, and industry collaborators and volunteers who provide valuable expertise, advice, and in-kind donations to ensure we meet our aims.
Let’s grow together
We all play a role in contributing to food security. Society, scientists and smallholder farmers all need to come together to address world hunger. If you’re interested in getting involved in a capacity that hasn’t been listed, we encourage you to connect with us at Grow More!